Friday, 13 February 2015

Be Brave : $1 Penny saver deals

OH MY GOLLY GOSH... seems like I've been stuck in my pc forever...bleh. Just when you think everything is working out more shit hits the fan right? Seriously as my dear friend Jenni says.. so over 2015 already. BWAHAHAHA. As you all know this year started with my poor dog in hospital for 'tick bite fever'.. then my laptop and camera were stolen. Wayne lands up being bitten by a spider last week and it just isn't healing properly.. hell the doc has now threatened to put him in hospital if it's not right by tomorrow.

And I go blab my big mouth off saying.. well it isn't sooo bad about my Laptop being stolen as it was my backup PC... mmmmphfff... I knew I should have touched wood at least once. lol. My words were not even 'dry' yet when I started getting those annoying 'error' messages on my main DT designing PC.. then Photoshop kept crashing.. more errors. YIKES... can you feel the sweat that was rolling off my forehead?? lol

So you automatically think.. EEEEP VIRUS. Run every recommended malware, trojan,virus and adaware programs... nothing.... really??? Ok, what now??? Deon, my dear old PC fixer doesn't live near or with us anymore.. so hello GOOGLE on the old 'donkey' laptop Wayne brought home from work while I wait for insurance to pay out... lol

I ran a repair install first..(recommended via Mr Google.. lol).... yay everything seems to work again after that!! Well ok, for only a few hours then the screen went black and my PC died a sudden death! OMG, I was sooo thankful I had made a major backup beginning of January. So I only lost a few days worth of goodies. Long story short. REFORMAT! SCARY stuff for someone who has never done it before... but I DID IT! And to be honest, everything is running so fast and smooth I wish I had done it last year already when I started getting hic cups. And when I don't have my plate so full.. ;-P

And so is life right?? But sheeee's can we at least spread the shit over a few months please?? BWAHAHAHAHAHA

******** $1 PennySavers @ The Digital Press ********

We are halfway through our Pennysaver promotion and we already have almost 90 new products available in the shop... you can grab these NEW products of mine all for only $1 each until the end of FEB 2015!


Be Brave : Elements


Be Brave : Journal Cards

And don't forget to pick up the coordinating papers:


Be Brave : The Papers

And some fun word art.. perfect for all your scrapping or card/craft making:


Just Aging : Word art + Stamps

And some gorgeous inspiration today:


By Jenni


By Alina


By HeyJude


By Krista


By Pamie

I hope you all have a really fabulous 'Valentines' weekend... and get spoilt rotten by you 'other halves'. ;-P. Hugs and Loves

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I know what you mean-"when it rains, it pours!" right?! I hope the rest of the year is a piece of cake for you! Best of luck! I had to get a new computer too, my first Windows 8. NOt sure how I feel about it yet. I have only moved over two scrap kit to make stuff for the CT I am on, so I have that HUGE task ahead of me. I REALLY wish I would have went to school for computer programming and then maybe when something goes wrong with the darn thing it wouldn't feel so devastating!