Thursday, 20 March 2008

WOOHOOO- wanna win???

Ok before we get to the GOOD STUFF- LOL, I have to tell you that I think I should go to bed and wake up next week and start fresh- WAHAHAHA. The schools here broke up early and are NOW on holiday again for 2 weeks ( that includes this Easter Weekend)- so Nathan and some of his friends planned last night to go fishing after school today- ( OF COURSE my MOM will take us-- uhum uhum uhum-LOL), but now here's the funny- Wayne needed MY car today to fetch some people from the airport ( he has a 2 door utility vehicle that we bought for while we are doing all the renovations to the house and it will be Nathans when he turns 18-) So it's not MY car(which I know EXACTLY what's going on in it-KWIM?)- and the boys all jump in - fishing rods, cooler boxes etc and of course there's tons of yabbering and laughing- (mother joining in of course)- and away we go to the beach that is OUTSIDE the city - so it's a fair way out- I drop them off and now being QUIET- I look at the PETROL gauge!! OH GEEE's - you know when you start SWEATING in an instant??- when you KNOW you are on a HIGHWAY- NO CELL PHONE- NO CASH ( um I spent all I had in my purse yesterday-LOL) and the petrol gauge needle is BOUNCING on the little PLASTIC THING already- You know??- when it's gone PAST the white mark!!! I did CRAPPO my pants! To be honest I don't know HOW I got home- as there are NO petrol stations along the section I was on and (by then I had counted out all my change on the seat while driving- whahahaha), By hook, crook or a major SNIFF- I rolled into our driveway! and that is EXACTLY where the car is going to stay until Wayne gets home-ROTFLMAO! That made me more TENSE than this whole weeks cell phone story- hahahaha!

Phew- I'm yakking again aren't I??. AND HERE IT IS!! I've been BLOGGING FOR A YEAR!!!!!!! Wooooohoooooooo!!!! I swear it feels like a month!! But because I'm blonde, I actually forgot yesterday (sssssshhhhh- don't tell now) YUP yesterday ONE YEAR ago was my first little freebie give-away and HI this is me- But we'll just pretend it's today OK- LOL

SOOOOOOOOO here's the fun part today- I've redone my COMMENTS box ( now you ALL can leave me a comment ) because that is what it's going to take to WIN A KIT from my STORE!! YUP- I will give away a kit on TUESDAY to a random *number* (chosen by Nathan) in my comments box- WANNA PLAY- hee hee.

All you have to do- is tell me YOUR FAVOURITE kit- or the one you would like to win in my STORE. So go and browse if you haven't been, or can't remember(lol) and let me know HERE on my blog- and you could be the lucky winner of that kit!! SIMPLE- but please you have to leave me some way of getting in touch with you- so if you are worried about your e-mail addy and don't have a blog- then remember to check here on Monday so that you will know to get hold on ME- or you can type in your addy with the (dot) and the (com) like that so it's safe from spammers.

NOT FINISHED YET- NOOOOOOO, hahaha, Doodle my wonderful CT member is holding a similar thread over at DST(show her what you LOVE in my STORE) at the moment ( and you can get my new UNDA-DA-SEA kit)- so check it out ( but you only have till 3pm YOUR time today).. PHEW- now that 2 chances at winning a kit from me - Well it is EASTER too you know-LOL

AND AND AND- YEAH of COURSE there is MORE!!!! hahaha- IT's a celebration and a holiday so let's have a little more FUN!! Want to use that gray matter a little?- you can pick up incredible freebies in our DSO EGG HUNT! Follow the clues to the eggs and hit download- that easy! READ all about it here- and there is even a BONUS prize if you just post a LO with the stuffies you found!! I'm looking forward to that one as I haven't seen the clues yet either- nothing like *intrigue and suspense*-

PHEWWWWY- I think I've given you enough reading for a while- hahaha- how about a few LO's?

Flying High

This amazing LO is by Beth- and she used my UNDA-DA-SEA kit and my Sew simple -white. LOVE the kite effect!

Unda Da Sea 3a

LOVED this from Renee- the realistic large photo with the waves in the front gives such a GREAT effect!


And this cutie cutest fishy was sent by Jeanette- AND here is ANOTHER BONUS for you TODAY!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH JEANETTE- she has given us the QP from this amazing LO.- you can grab it here- Please leave Jeanette some love-(((HUGS))

And here is my little HAPPY EASTER Freebie- I hope you all have a very BLESSED Easter with your family's, I also hope the Easter Bunny finds you all ( eeeeeek, Just remembered he aint going to be coming here if I DON"T get to the shops again- LOL).


there are 3 very SOFT textured papers (pastels), the *Easter Basket* to put your eggies in LOL, ( it comes in it's cluster form as shown and ALSO separately for you to play with), and the spring flower. . Wishing you all a safe weekend ( if you are travelling) and I will be at home this holiday- but don't promise I will have time to pop on and say HI ( it is family time-but you never know-LOL), so until TUESDAY morning- sending you lots of *chocolate smooches* and hugs. Kim


Anonymous said...

I just love all your work. My favorite kit is UndaDaSea. We just came from Padre Island and this would be great for all of our pictures from Spring Break. Thanks so much for all you do and share!


Tammy and Shelby said...




Kerri said...

I LOVE all of your work, but your latest kit tops them all I think! The layouts your CT are coming up with, make it an unbelievable kit! I would love to win that one. But as I said all of your work is brilliant! And so too is your writing, it is always a very entertaining visit to your blog!
OH, I know the exact feeling about the petrol, why is it that something like that always happens, when you have no money on you! Same happened to me once! I think i got to the petrol station on air!! At least the tank held 45l and I put in 44.88 l!!!
Take care

Kyrsten said...

I would love to win loveable!!! khenrie at gmail dot com

txbubbles said...

Mornin' Kim,
I think you should just fast forward to next Monday and get this week over with! HA!HA!HA! Thanks for the beautiful Easter basket! My all time favorite kit is UndaDaSea. This kit is fabulous! Since I already have it, I think Party On would be what I would choose. Hope you have a great week-end!
Vicki in Texas

Ms Kittie said...

I agree with everyone else that I love all of your kits. I would love to win Unda Da Sea and I also like all 3 of you Precious Angel kits. Have a Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your work so much! I would love to win them all, but if I have to choose my favorite, I would choose your "Pretty Twisted" kit. kenzidawn at q dot com. Thanks!

Gail said...

Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary! LOVE all your kits - but the one I would love to win is UNDA-DA-SEA kit.


Anonymous said...

You are AWESOME and all your kits are amazing! I would love to win Buging or Loveable. I especially want Unda The Sea for pictures of the kids on our vacation we are taking to Hawaii. I hope I win!!!

Melberry said...

Hey, Kim -- thanks so much for the lovely Easter Basket gift. You're PRICELESS. You're one of my favorite designers, you know, and like a ray of sunshine. I'm also letting your groupies know that I have some word art today that will coordinate with your unbelievable Unda-da-Sea kit.

Mary Sue said...

It's hard to choose a favorite, and I just love UndaDaSea, but I think the one I would like the most, and use the most, is Storybook Romance. Those are my mother's favorite colors, and I love to scrap pages of her...Thank you and Happy Anniversary!

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

Morning Kim!!!!
Boy Girlfriend I thought I always had the bad luck!!!
But Thank God you made it home!!!!
TY both so very much for this AWESOME QP!!!!!!!
TY also for the FANTASTIC basket!!!!

If I'm the lucky one I'd LOVE to have the Storybook Romance kit!!!!!
& my addy is

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!! :) I only found you about a month and a half ago and since then have been addicted :). My absolute favorite kit (have it kaboodled for when I have the money, lol!) is Lovable.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! I just LOVE your newest kit, UNDA-DA-SEA Kit. It is so beautiful and versatile. Thank you so much for the beautiful Easter Basket mini-kit. I visit your blog every day to get my daily dose of Kim. You always make me chuckle and occasionally shed a tear, but you always make my day, so here is a BIG THANKS for adding a little sun shine to my everyday!

Rarole said...

Oh Kim, LOL, imagine walking into a beautiful garden and the gardener says - you can pick a flower BUT ONLY ONE. LOL You have to be kiddin. RIGHT? All of your work is wonderful - but i have had my heart set on Story Book Romance for too long. And I have "been there done that" with the petrol. Man, I am glad they don't check blood pressure in times like that! Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

I visit as often as I can,......I love your designs.......This latest....Under the Sea is the best! But then I love mermaids and things like that. Congrats on one year of blogging!

Cheng's said...

Congrats girl! I can't believe it's been a year. You know it's hard to choose just one kit, I love all your designs but if I have to pick it would be Lovable, I am making a scrapbook for my MIL for her birthday and that kit would pe perfect.

Thanks Kim!!

CathyK Designs said...

I LOVE your UndaDaSea kit the best! I've been drooling all week at all the fabulous layouts your CT has done with it. Hope you have a fantastic Easter, and thank you for the wonderful Easter goodies!

Anonymous said...

my favorite kit,hard to pick just one,Party On. I like unique kits and this one is! Thanks for having the contest!

Sandra said...

I love all your work, but the latest week is absolutely beautiful. And by that I mean the Unda-Da-Sea kit :-))
and it seems that it is your most popular kit, absolutely gorgeous.
win or no win, thank you for all your gifts!!
Happy Easter
chengie (at) gmail dot com

xashee's corner said...

i, too, LA LA LOVE your kits so this is NOT an easy decision to make :D but i think i REALLY REALLY LOVE the Storybook Romance kit! MAN you do some AWESOME AWESOME work, my friend!!
i am SOOOOOOOOOO glad you made it home safely!!
Big CONGRATS on blogging a year!!
Have a safe and WONDERFULLY BLESSED holiday weekend, Kim and thank you for ALLLLLLLLLLL you do!! HUGS :D

Rachel said...

Hi Kim! Well, you know I love all your stuff especially the commercial use ones. My favorite kit of yours is the Lovable kit! The colors, the alpha -well, everything makes it very - well, LOVABLE! ((thank you so much for all you share with us))

Anonymous said...

I think my fave is Unda Da Sea but then I'm also partial to teh African one too....complete ooposites I know...hahahahaha!!

Have a great Easter! Clean your drawers (ROFL) and enjoy teh chocolate!


Anonymous said...

(((((((HUGS))))))) MWAH! Thanks so much for the cutie basket! Can't wait to use it! Hmmmmm...if I had to pick a fav that I don't have yet I would have to go with Close Knit...I LOVE it! Gorgeous dahling, simply gorgeous! Happy Easter!

littlebehr said...

OMG Kim, I just love reading your blog ! You tell the funniest stories!! Thanks for the grins and giggles as well as all your gorgeous freebies!
In the OFF CHANCE I should win your free kit drawing...(I have no luck ) the kit I would want is the new "UNDA THE SEA". It is AWESOME !!

Anonymous said...

First thank you so much for sharing your talent. My favorite kit is Lovable or Bug-ing.
Have a nice Easter.
Moune in France

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Easter Basket Kim, hope you and your family have a VERY happy Easter! I love ALL of your kits, choosing one favorite (that I don't have) is so hard. I guess I would have to say the Story book Romance, love the colors in it.

pisangcokelat said...

I love all your works! I have some favorites too but I think UndaDaSea is cute & the theme is just unique

Ryan said...

Well... I don't know how to choose just one - I lvoe them all. My top 3 favs are: UNDA-DA-SEA, Storybook romance & Lovable. Your ct does a wonderful job with all of the kits. 1 year blogging huh (well, yesterday)! :) WOW! I enjoy stopping by every day to see how you're doing and really what you've been UP to!!
HappY EasteR!

Anonymous said...

I just purchased UndaDaSea and I love it! I saw your Bug-ing kit a while back and thought it was adorable. I have a 2 1/2 year old who Bug-ing would be perfect for! :)

rachaelsscrapstore at hotmail dot com. (never wrote it out like that before! :) weird!)

Anonymous said...

Love all your kits...just bought Unda The Sea yesterday, so I'd probably go with Storybook Romance. Thanks for all the great kits!

Cheryl L

Sherrie said...

Congratulations on your one- year- anniversary! You are so talented and make such great products that it is hard to believe you have been "at it" for such a short time. I looked through the kits in your store, and I think that I like Lovable and Bug-ing the best. Bug-ing is actually what made me find your blog in the first place, which got me into designing my own kits. So "yay!" to Bug-ing!

Just Me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Von said...

I love all of your work but I think Storybook Romance is my favorite. I would love to win that one.


Just Me said...

sorry screwed up on the first comment ...I have most of your wonderful kits ...but one i have not yet gotten is Bygone are a very talented lady and I thank you for all the wonderful freebies you have to

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kim, I love your Blog even with no freebies. You perk everyone up with your escapades. lol It was really hard to choose a favourite kit but I have to say Unda Da Sea is the one I like best. Glad you changed these comments to make it easier for those who don't use Blogger. Have a good Easter.

marilyn from Toronto

Melinda said...

UndaDaSea is my current top pick, but I'm always on the lookout for nice music items so All That Jazz is going on my list now too!

Angela C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jackie said...

HAPPY blogging ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your such a sweet & funny person & I have been honored that you asked me to make QPs for you! I'm not gonna miss a chance for one of your FAB kits!! I LOVE them all, got it narrowed down to two. lol Denim Flair & Lovable. Have an awesome weekend sugar!!! MWAHS
Oh, and Nick leaves me with no gas all the time. Don't it just suck rocks? And no, I'm not packed yet, but I AM washing the summer clothes have been been stored in the basement. lol

stacy said...

I love all of your kits...but I've had Bug-ing in my Kaboodle ever since it came out, so I'd have to go with that one. I'm getting sorely tempted to go ahead and buy UndaTheSea...can't wait for payday!
Happy Easter sweetie!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOWHOOOO a whole year!! Congrats Hun! Thank you so much for all the wonderful goodies you've given us over the past year! This one is so beautiful and I hope the Easter Bunny hop hop hops his way to your house leaving you some yummy yummy chocolate! Thanks again!

-tnchick- said...

Hard to pick just one, Kim! LOL I think I like the close knit or lovable =)

Camilla said...

Hey Kim!
I stalk your blog all the time, so of course I'd love to enter a contest to win one of your faboulous kits. I love your big-ing-out kit so much. Used it on so many lo's. And this new unda-da-sea is looking to become a fave as well. ;) Thanks for creating such wonderful things for us, and for so generously sharing so much of them as well.
Happy easter! :) Camilla

Anonymous said...

Goodness! You're making us pick only ONE? Honestly, before this week, my favorite kit of yours was Bug-ing (because I have 2 boys that adore bug hunting, and because I'm tired of scrapping "sad" [my mom] and this kit is SO whimsical.) However, THIS week, you had to go and release Unda Da Sea. I'm a beach baby. There is no place I feel more at peace than when I'm by the ocean.

So, Ms. Kim, my favorite-est kit of yours is now Unda Da Sea!

Please pick my number, Nathan!!

Peace and Blessings to you and your family, Kim. And thank you for blessing US with your wonderful freebies for the past year!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your Forgotten Not kit. Thank you sooo much for sharing your life (and Designing) with us. It's soooo much better than what's on tv.

KrisG said...

Wow, I have to say, your site is fantastic! I stumbled here on accident and boy am I glad I did! Fantasticly funny and witty! LOL (you've been favorited, haha). Thank you for the awesome QP and the Easter mini. LOVE these and can't wait to play.
Okay, I checked out your store and here's my fav.... Storybook Romance (soooo gorgeous). I have to say that Pretty Twisted is awesome too... I love pretty grunge! You can be sure I'll be back here REAL soon!

Dinphy said...

Congrats Kim, on a year of blogging!

I see from all the comments we all think alike... ALL your kits are beautiful. If I would be so lucky to win, my choice would be Lovable.
Thanks for the easter basket! I'm sure it'll come to good use!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just looked at the things in the shop and it's all beautiful! I have to say Storybook Romance would be my choice but I'd take any of them! I can't believe you've only been doing this for a year!

Thanks for the Easter kit! It's so pretty!

You really make classy creations!

Aunt Anne
gaddisw at bellsouth dot net

Ginny said...

I think my favorite is In Flight Overlays.

Jan said...

Thank you for the quick page and the beautiful basket, Kim. You are so very talented. I would love.........
to win UndaDaSea. ;) Who wouldn't?

Cindi said...

I love your undathesea kit, and storybook romance! Actually I love all you kits and get a big kick out of your blog!!!

Naala said...

Happy 1 year!
I choose Unda da sea, its just incredible. Your imagination works wonders, all your kits are wonderful but this one is just unbelievable.
And I love reading your posts, you are the funniest girl so keep on rockin' and being so cool.

*sarahm172* said...


my favorite kit is: party on. i like the colours. you have a nice style you are very talented.
i wish you happy eastern

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see what is in my Easter basket, thank you.

And if I HAD to make a choice from all your lovely kits, I guess my favorite would All That Jazz. :)

Shell said...

Well Kim you've had a harrowing few days at least you're still laughing which is a good sign lol. Sheesh you're making me pick 1(!?!?!) of your kits jeez talk about pressure lol. I know just pass them all to me I won't tell a soul ROFL. Now Nathan you didn't pick my number in the last pickings so again I bribe you with chocolates & goodies from Germany hehe. Eh since I can only pick one **subliminal message: Shell gets all your kits Kim she really luvs ya** Storybook Romance is my choice. Thanks for the goodies & belly laughs

Veelana said...

woah - so many comments...
My favourites are
-close knit family
-Unda da sea
-Party on
(what happened to African Sunsets? I wanted to check it out and didn't find it...)
In the unlikely event that I should win, I'd like the close knit one.
Thank you for 1 year of great design!

Luisa said...

Thanks for the basket, great los and I am glad that you got home safe!!, love all your kits

Anonymous said...

Ahhh man...just one. LOL Well I think Storybook Romance is my favorite that I don't own...or maybe Bygone wait, Lovable. OK, I can't decide. You are just too darn talented. ;-)

Anonymous said...

hmmm... my favorite would have to be the storybook precious angel memories yelloooo.. OMG the pressure of having to choose a favorite. I would have to go back to Lovable I think. I LOVE THEM ALL :-). Thank you for sharing lil tidbits of them.

Terry (lostnana)

Unknown said...

Hiya! Can't believe you are only blogging for a year! Love your ebullience, love your gorgeous work. Hard to choose a favorite..Storybook Romance is a most exquisite kit but I also loved Party On, Close Knit and Forgotten Not!! But I would love to win some of your Overlays most. Thanks for all the fun, juno
You can reach me at junosplace at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kime and Jeanette - this are lovely - have a lovely Easter!

rspoutra said...

such great work - love it all thank you

Peggie said...

This is lovely. I love the papers with Easter eggs. My favorite kit
is Bygone Kit. Thank you for all
your lovely work. Happy Easter.

Sandy said...

I love it all. I'm looking at designing, so I love all your commercial use kits, but I'm far from getting to that point! I just started in the digiscrapping world. My favorite kits you have up right noe are: Bug-ing, Loveable, and of coarse the newest Under-da-Sea. You have an amazing talent! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Webfrau said...

Geez, how are we supposed to choose a favourite. I love the really cute Buging and Unda the sea - so adorable for little boy LOs. On the other hand I really like All that Jazz and Party On as well - just have a totally different feel.
Don't make me choose!

Being Mrs Miles said...

Well I've near had to have diapers too, dear. I wish I could leave you more love but am just scampering off... Thx for the email - I LOVE the snippets you bless me with. Makes my day. Will share w/ you soon!


Anonymous said...

Love all your kits and have bought most but Unda the Sea is perfect for living in FL with 3 young grandsons! if I don't win it I'll just have to buy it anyway for summer time since I lost enough weight to get into a teensy bikini with them all and for a second honeymoon! thanks for sharing. ***hugggssssssssssssss!!!

catlady aka catslave said...

I love all of your work, Kim, but I would dearly love to win your Buggin It kit. It's soooo precious.

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Anniversary. :) And I'm glad you made it home safely and weren't stranded by the roadside.

I have all the kits of yours I love, except UNDA-DA-SEA.

Hope to win it. Thanks for the opportunity.

Pssst Nathan.... choose mine. LOL!

Nicole said...

Congratulations with the first anniversary of you blog!
What a nice fishing trip you had last week ;-)

I came by for your lovely Neptunes Freebie. Thank you so much! And of course I would love to win the whole UNDA DA SEA kit. It looks great!!!

lynda said...

Sounds like quite the day Kim. Don't feel bad I drove strange lady at gas station home to get wallet and back then thought what if!! But heck it's Easter right show the love (gotta go with this).

Just got "Unda da Sea" Love It. So if I was lucky enough to win would pick "Party ON". Happy Easter and thanks for this fabulous contest and all your goodies. Hope Easter bunny is good to you.

lynda said...

Forgot to say congrats on being 1 year old.

Anonymous said...


One Year now.......congratulations!!
My favourite kit from you is the latest one(UndaDaSea) is so cute and you can use it in 1000 magical ways!
Thank you for all your lovely freebees in the past year,I hope you continue to go on!

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Congratulations!! Happy Easter too!
I LOVE your work!! Any kit from you would be absolutely wonderful!:) I do agree that your UndaDaSea is really cool though.:)
Have a fantastic weekend!


SusanW said...

Oh right now it is definitely UndaDaSea. I have some SeaWorld pics to scrap and this will be just perfect!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovable! Lovable! Lovable! I love all your kits, but this is so perfect for an albun I'm working on now. Thank you for the freebies and an opportunity to win a kit!


babydoe said...

All your work is great, but I especially like "Denim Flair". I have been looking at it for a while.

Anonymous said...

You have so many beautiful kits to choose from! I narrowed it down to 2, Unda Da Sea and Storybook Romance. Either one would be wonderful, but right now I think Unda Da Sea. We just returned from a trip to Florida and I know I could do so much with that kit! Thank you for all your freebies, and your beautiful designs!! :)


blah said...

I love the way you always have such unique kits and colors, but my favorite is the Lovable kit and I haven't had the money to get it yet! Anyway, love your work and did get your last grab bag! :)


Anonymous said...

You are an amazing designer, it's hard to choose but my favorite is Storybook Romance.
Thanks so much for all the wonderful freebies and I really enjoy reading your blog and all your life escapades! Linda/Ar

melwood99 said...

First of all, thank you for the Easter Freebie ~ gorgeous! You're incredibly talented, obviously!
Secondly, I love your UndaDaSea kit. We live in Florida, have a big pool behind the house, plus have all sorts of beach pictures. Perfection!

Anonymous said...

I think all your word looks darling, but my absolute favourite would be Unda-da-sea. This kit is absolutly gorgious.


Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Ramie :-) said...

Love all the layouts!
My most wanted kit right now is the Age It Quick set. I'm working on some heritage layouts and those would be awesome for the edges of pages! Thanks for the contest!

patchas said...

Thank you so much for the basket, it is adorable. As far as my favorite kit, I don't know. I love them all. It would take me a week to pick one if I won a kit, as I would not be able to decide. But, try me :-)

Tami said...

Thank you for the wonderful freebie! I love your work, but would have to choose Unda Da Sea! It's so adorable! Thanks again!

Tammy Gary said...

I really love your Age It Quick set, I Love playing with tears and such! I do love your work and thank you for all your great freebies!!

Anonymous said...

You designs are WONDERFUL, and I would love a chance at winning one of them!
Thank you and Happy Easter!

Boneca de Papel - CLAUDIA said...

I love all of your kits, but I'm really in love with UndaDaSea. I wish you a blessed Easter.

Scraps of Candy said...

Your kits are so wonderful and creative and always have such amazing variety. I personally drool over your Storybook Romance Add-on everytime I see it. :)

dmarie1975 said...

It would be soooo cool to win! I love your UndaDaSea! I have images of it in my mind when I sleep. LOL, I've got a LO all dreamed up of it. I liken my daughter to a starfish when she nurses. Love your kits!

Anonymous said...

I've sent you a few eMails asking where I could purchase the rope you used in your UNDA-DA-SEA kit, but have not received a reply so I thought I'd leave you a message here.


nancypinct said...

Happy Easter Kim! I just purchased the unda da sea kit and it is awesome. Thank you for all of the goodies you have given us from this kit and for all the wonderful freebies you give us daily it seems. You are very creative! And most generous and I really do appreciate it. Thank you for this lovely gift and have a Happy Easter!

Nani said...

I have SO been there with the turn off the radio to make sure God hears you pray all the way home! Had to put gas in from the lawnmower can so I could get to a gas station and all!

Congrats on the blogiversary!

In response to the favorite kit, I searched the whole gallery, but the first one I saw, All That Jazz, I just fell in love with!

Happy Easter! (back to find 5 more eggs at DSO!)

Anonymous said...

Your one kit that I noticed I really liked was "unda da sea" I just the little sea creatures and the colors are fabulous!! I love reading your blog. You are just so funny and true to life. Thank you for the laughs!!


Anonymous said...

Kim, I love all your kits, but the one I adore is the purple Christmas kit.

LMAO, I know...I know... a strange choice this thime of year haha.

Keep up the nice work!!


Anonymous said...

your creations are all very very fantastic! your storybook romance and your newest called undadasea are my favorites. the colors are wonderful, and the design of the sea creatures is breathtaking!! i love it!

marlies (lisa-2006-lisa.blogspot)

Anonymous said...

love your UndaDaSea kit, its so original and all fun! thanks for game, Misa
misulka7 at centrum dot cz

Anonymous said...

my fave kit is the 'Lovable''s got beautiful soft colours and some gorgeous elements...I bought it a while back...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the Easter basket. It's gorgeous !
You made me want to put my Easter eggs there,hahaha..........
All your kits are fabulous. My fave for now is the newest one"Unda Da Sea".
If I could be the lucky one, that's what I would love to have.
Thanks so much for all you have shared with me.

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

HAPPY EASTER KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shannon said...

Happy Easter Kim! Thanks for today's goodies and the goodies for the Easter Egg Hunt!! :) You so RAWK!!! I'm luvvin' Unda Da Sea - Nathan as a Merman was fabulous! :) (((Hugs)))

absolutartist1 said...

Well,... What I love the ABSOLUTE bestest (yes, bad english) is your Age It Quick pack 'cause your tears and curls RAWK! But, seeing as how you specified kit... I guess I'd have to say Flights of Fancy.

And, now I know why everyone does that (at) and (dot) thing! LOL I could never figure out why... DUH!
Happy Easter!

Jennifer said...

I love your kits! My favorite kit, that I do not already have, is the newest one, Unda-da-sea

Anonymous said...

First of all... love the story you told about running out of gas! Haha! I've almost done that a few times myself!

Annnnnd, I love a lot of your kits... but if I HAD to choose just one, I'd pick the Denim Flair kit. It's different, and I don't already have something like that! Just in case... my email addy is DanielleMegan27[at]yahoo[dot]com. Hehe.

Thank you so much and good luck to everyone!

Happy Easter!

Nancy said...

I love your new one Unda the Sea - perfect for any page with Ariel or Nemo and Friends!

LLG Denise said...

oh my god, i'm 108. make him pick me! you know how i get! I'd love Unda-da-sea or A bugs life, and i checked: i didn't buy or get RAKd wit em! OK. Many hugs and warm wishes for your easter!

Princess aka you know who
OK so i'm not at the top of your list (LOL):
aitideni at g mail dot com

nanasdinky said...

Ms Kim I love reading your blog...You crack me up!! BTW Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I love All your designs.If I would get to be the lucky one chosen id like your Lovable kit....

Amy said...

I would say forgotten not but that would make me cry so instead im with everyone else... i would choose Unda Da Sea... I have an autistic son that eats breathes sleeps everything that has to do with fish, the ocean, fishing , water etc... He would adore me making him some layouts with this kit! Thank You !

Muma said...

Hi ya Kim
So glad you made it home .. I've driven home on the gas fumes before LOL. Now I know I'm a little late in the day/week for this one and probably post 111 wont get chosen but if it is I'd love "Lovable". Such a cute kit. You are so generous ALL the time and ya know if there was one CT team I'd want to be in it would be yours. Maybe one day who knows.

Anonymous said...

I really like UndaDaSea-I already have it! Storybook Romance is another favorite that I don't have!

Melanie said...

thanks so much for your generosity and those awesome freebies, also those of your CT, you have some wonderful girls!!!!! Congrats on 1 year of blogging, the kit I´d like to win is unda-the-sea, as we live close to the brazilian ocean, I have plenty of pics I can use that kit for!!!!! my email is mel_m78athotmaildotcom

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog and I love all your designs. Thank you very much for the lovely Easter kit, it's very cute! I love all your kits, but I know I have to choose =) If I'm lucky enough, I'd like to have te Spring thing kit, I know I could use it a lot. Thanks for sharing. If I win (I hope so!), I'll come on Monday to leave you my adress. Thanks again and Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kim: Your blog is so interesting. I'm sure everyone who reads it feels like me, like they KNOW you Your kits are ALL fantastic~! Now THAT was a hard decision but I think my favourite one is 'Story book Romance', it's absolutely beautiful~!
lleith at sympatico dot ca

DigiLover said...

now this is a very hard task you have set for all of your fans - me included. There are so many that I love but I'm going to be going with the majority and say Unda-Da-Sea. It is such a fun and gorgeous kit and I've so many beachie photos that would be perfect for it.

you sound like my hubbie with your running out of petrol story - always the way isn't it. He thought he'd have enough petrol to get home from work the other night but oh no he thought wrong. He conked out on a 4 lane main road but luckily there was a petrol station within a bit of walking distance. All he had to put some petrol in was a large coke bottle and then he had the walk back again. He'll never do that again as he was completely knackered when he got home poor darling.

Anonymous said...

stuff; now I want to ask you some help for a friend :please,want you send a message to Nicole at NBK scrap?Something happened to her but she doesn't tell us anything.We all scrappers may be close to each other.You are very generous and I think you can do it.TY

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I love your undadasea kit it is wonderful.

K2 Designs said...

Beautiful kits Kim! If I had to choose 1 it wold be:
Loveable. Thank you.
khalgren77 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite kits are Storybook Romance and Unda Da Sea!!! I already have them --- **LOL** Another I really love is Age It Quick --- I love the grungy look!!!!

MrsCullenized said...
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MrsCullenized said...

My favorite kit is Lovable!! I have already bought this :)

My second favourite is Unda-da-sea and i would love to win it!!

Anonymous said...

I love everything you do but as does evryone else UndaDaSea has to be tops on my favorite list!!! Thanks so much for the great freebies!

andria said...

Wow wow wow Hope I am not too late to enter, I absolutely LOVE all your beautiful designs and is soo hard to pick just one, But if had to pick one it would have to be Story Book Romance, As I love Butterfly's and love the colour purple and my Dear Dad has cancer and he also loves butterfly's but when I showed him my layout I done with your sampler he CRIED n Cried and said it was beautiful and what made it complete was the fairytale look he said the colour and of course the THANK YOU Kim for giving me a chance to put a beautiful SMILE on my Dads face..huge hugz n appreciation for all your hard work n gifts and sharing your time with us..Hugz from OZ down under

Anonymous said...

Your kits are so lovely it's practically impossible to choose one. I love Purple Christmas and Storybook Romance, however.

Anonymous said...

My favorite kit that I don't own of yours is ByGone. I have 18 grandchildren and what makes me happy is time spent with them. And if they are not around then I scrap pictures of them or heritage photos of my parents. Love reading the adventures in your blog.and working with your goodies! Happy Easter and thanks for the basket set. msmauk at verizon dot net