WOOOHOO- we have all the kinks and glitches sorted out!
Thank you Bunny for not sleeping and for working this through so that we can get it up and running smoothly again!

THE SALE WILL BE EXTENDED THROUGH SUNDAY the 13th July due to all the problems we had with your downloads and having to close the store most of last night to move it over!
not only that but all the purchase history should be in your accounts if you check and your downloads should be up and running! YAY!!
Boy it's been quite a weekend-LOL
Just a HUGE thank you to all of you for your kind words and encouragement.
And to all the girls at DSO!! Man- you are ONE AWESOME TEAM to work with! THANK YOU for all the late hours and extra work you all put in the last couple of day! LOVE YA ALL TONS!
Well my head wasn't so good this morning-lol, and the tense rugby this morning didn't help it any! WAHAHAHAHA. BUT WE WON!! WOOOHOOOO. We beat New Zealand at the HOUSE OF PAIN!! That alone is a miracle and the boys are celebrating at the moment! lol. I'm sticking to COFFEE and JUICE!
Well- I will pop in tomorrow to put up the last reminder- but had to come and let you all know that the sale is extended and the links have changed ( I have edited them in the last posts too)!
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
Love and Hugs Kim