Thursday 1 August 2013

Birthdays, Blog Trains and more

*Digiscrap Parade at bottom of post*

OMG! Hang on to your hats as this is going to be one hell of a post/ride- lol. But you're going to love getting through it as there is a TON of goodies in it for you..WOOP. Got to love Bdays and Blog Trains ;-P :
Lets start with Birthdays! ( and it's also hubbies tomorrow!!! lol)

WOOP - SugarHillco is turning 3 and we are celebrating BIG!

******* 60% OFF SALE (storewide) *********

And of course there has to be GRAB BAGS right? What's a Bday if you don't get "present bags"?- lol


KimB's Sugar Birthday CU Grab Bag
*Limited time offer: Valid until 8th August 2013 ONLY*
Filled with 6 Brand New Full sized products at the amazing price of only $5! 


And of course the girls all got together to bring you this HUGE bag at one ridiculous price:

3rd Birthday Collab by The Sugar Girls 
This collab contains 14 CU OK packs and will be available for only $10 ..a limited time offer only!


But it's time to TRAVEL on and hit the *first train* TOOT TOOT
If you are lost just click the "image" and it will take you back to the SugarHill blog:

my CU Freebie that you can pick up at this "station"- 

Download the HERE:
*So Sorry this link has EXPIRED*
btnext click and make your way to Laura's ;-)

*******DigiScrap Parade BLOG TRAIN*******DSparade-Banner__Aug2013
FB-navigation-arrows_previous  Jennifer Labre Designs:


And my Portion you can grab on this station right HERE:
FB-navigation-arrows_next Robyn Meierotto (Pink Trike Designs)

WOOP- quite a day today right? lol. Be sure to check tomorrow too as MORE Bday surprises on the way ;-P
Hugs and Loves


Designed by K said...

Thank you so much Kim <3

Sandra Guicharnaud-Rowe said...

Thank you!

Mary Kay said...

Thanks for the gorgeous Parade freebie. Can't wait to use it!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the gorgeous buttons!! Love them!!

The Nielsen Family said...

Thanks so much

Shuckclod said...

Thank you Kim B...

M u s s said...

Thanks so much for sharing! <3

Lisa said...

Thank you so much!

Meg said...

Thanks so much for the train and parade freebies =) And just a heads up Robyn Meierotto is Pink Trike Designs (no biggie, I'm sure these late night releases got ya).

Kim B said...

Yikes- Thanks Meg!! lol.. Yup all these trains and Bdays got this brain a little scattered ;-P

TJ said...

thankyou so much Kim! :)

Mirjam said...

Thanks so much Kim!

franny said...

Thank you :)

Chez la zette said...

thank you very much for the free parade !

Dona said...

Thank you Kim!

Loucee said...

Thanks for your awesome goodies Kimmy :0)

createdbyjill said...

Fabulous! TY Kim!!

Stefanie said...

Thanks so much for your generosity and creativity.
Congrats on the new addition.

franny said...

Thank you !

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, this is really awesome!!!!

txbubbles said...

Thanks so much Kimmie, love the buttons!

Michelle G. said...

Thank you for the wonderful freebie!! Happy Birthday SHCO!!

Cindy said...

Thank you for the buttons and the parade contribution!

JeannieK said...

Thanks for all the goodies Kim! Happy Birthday to your hubby - he shares my wedding anniversary day...38 years - where did the time go?? OMG I am getting old!

Miss Becki said...

Thank you! I love your map flower!! :)

Desert Digi -Scrap said...

Thanks for the great buttons. Love the sparkles :)

October said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the fabulous freebie

Lisa said...

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful parade contribution.

blurooferika said...

your parade contribution is awesome, Kim! So beautiful!
Thanks for having the link on your blog instead of FB.

Meagan , Brian, Sydney and Jonas! said...

awesome freebies Kim! Thanks so much!! You rock!

gypsymonkeyscrap said...

Thank you! I'm totally digging those papers!

Cynthia said...

thanks for the buttons.

Becky said...

Thanks so much for the buttons! I can always use more buttons.

Amy said...

Thanks for the great DSP freebie, I am completely in love with the map flower!

Lis said...

Thank you for the buttons!

Manu said...

Thank you so much, GF!!! *big hugs*

Unknown said...

Thank you for the fabulous freebies! I think I will have no choice but to buy your grab Bag: it looks awesome!

Minoush said...

Thank you very much for the buttons!!!

Jilbert said...

Thanks so much for the great buttons!!!

Monique1971 said...

Totally cool, I love this parade!! Thank you so much for the freebie!

JeannieK said...

Thank you for the blog and parade freebies! Both are fantastic!

Tuti said...

Thank you for the free Parade digy's they are amazing. I wish I had the talent.

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

Button, button, whose got the buttons??? We ALL do now! Thank you so much for the awesome gift darlin'!!! Happy Bithday to Wayne tomorrow! Cheers, love and hugs - XX

Sandy_in_MD said...

Thanks so much for the goodies!

eveline said...

i love your part in the parade train, thank you so much!

ekorn said...

Thanks so much, Kim!

meagan43 said...

thanks! Love all those elements - the map flower especially!

Susan said...

Thank you for the awesome buttons!

Esther - from the tropical north of Australia said...

Fabulous! Thank you, Kim xxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! Tami

JetsettinDaisy said...

Thank you for the awesome Digi Scrap Parade freebie!!!

JetsettinDaisy said...

Thank you for the awesome Digi Scrap Parade freebie!!!

Christelle said...

Thanks for the freebies Kim! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! The buttons are absolutely delightful!
:) Kristine

Christelle said...

Thanks for your part of the DSP train, Kim!

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the parade freebie

Karina said...

Thank you :)

Sue said...

Thanks so much for the lovely freebies, Kim! I love the buttons!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! Thanks for turning me on to the blog train - just finished downloading everything. What a great kit! And I love your part of it (just like everything you design, it's fantastic). What an AMAZING newsletter this turned out top be! THANKS TONS!

Tammy said...

This is lovely! Thank you so much!

Lisa said...

Thank you for this great freebie!!

Unknown said...

thank you so much! I love your elements!!

Laramie said...

Thank you for the wonderful travel goodies and love your new CU grab. Have to head to the store when done.

Arlene said...

Gorgeous Kim. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It's lovely.

Scrumptious said...

Love all the oranges and yellows. Thank you!

Johanna said...

Thank you so much!! This is absolutely gorgeous!! :)

Scrumptious said...

This is so beautiful, and huge and generous! I especially like the map paper. I'm a sucker for everything with maps on it. :) Thank you!

Jennifer Moore said...

Love the map rose and the definition strips. Thank you.

Carolyn said...

Thank you so much Kim!!!

Cristallo said...

thank you very much!!!!

Nicole said...

Thank you!

LifeAsDINKers (Ava-J) said...

Thanks you for your part Kim...and a happy birthday to your hubby, hope you had a blast!

ChloƩ said...

Thank you so much for your potion of this awesome blog train !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the August DigiScrap Parade freebie!

lammogliagirl said...

So gorgeous! I love your amazing part! Thank you very much :)

LizJ said...

Thanks so much for the parade freebie!